Supplying and Fitting a Wheelchair Ramp in a Conservation Areas.
Installing a wheelchair ramp in a conservation areas requires a delicate balance between accessibility and preserving the character of historically significant buildings. At Ramps Plus, we specialise in supplying and fitting metal modular ramps that comply with both accessibility regulations and conservation area guidelines.
Conservation Areas.
Conservation areas are designated to protect and enhance places of historical or architectural interest. This means any modification, including installing wheelchair ramps, must blend seamlessly with the environment while adhering to regulations. Our team understands the importance of preserving the aesthetic integrity of these areas while ensuring that buildings remain accessible for everyone, especially those with mobility challenges.
Lifetime Warranty.
We provide all modular ramps with a lifetime warranty. We custom-build each ramp, with the process typically taking up to two weeks from the initial consultation. Galvanised legs support our modular ramps, allowing installation in even the most challenging spaces. The installation process avoids digging, mess, and damage to the property. When no longer needed, we can easily remove and reuse the ramp at a different location.
Circular Economy.
At Ramps Plus, we aim to shift perspectives by promoting a more sustainable approach, with a circular economy. We’re the first company in Ireland promotion recycle, reuse, reduce to housing adaptations.
We provide bespoke wheelchair ramps in a contemporary design specifically for the unique demands of conservation areas. Each ramp is custom-made to integrate into the building’s existing architecture, using materials and designs that complement the structure. We offer ramps made from metal & steel which can be sympathetically sit away from the property without any structural damage. We also handle the entire process from supply to installation, ensuring that all work is carried out with minimal disruption. Our ramps are not only functional but also meet all safety standards, ensuring long-term durability and ease of use.
Local Authorities.
Working in conservation areas can be complex, as it often requires additional permissions or approval. At Ramps Plus, we navigate these regulatory hurdles with expertise. Work closely with the client to ensure that the ramp installations meet legal requirements without compromising the historical value of the site.
Easiaccess a company based in England deliver the components to our warehouse weekly.
Living in a conservation area, contact us our experts today for advice and professional service on 057 8643722 or 086 2060101. We ensure your property becomes more accessible while preserving its historical significance