August 22, 2024

Access Ramps

Access Ramps

Access ramps play a crucial role in ensuring everyone the freedom to enter buildings. Regardless of peoples physical abilities, ramps allow entry to public and private spaces with independence. Our ramps are more than just a construction requirement. They show inclusivity and a step towards a more accessible society.

Looking up a modular ramp

Ramps are essential for individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and anyone who faces challenges with stairs. They provide a safe and convenient way for people using wheelchairs, or walkers to enter buildings.

Our Modular Ramps are fully recyclable and reusable. They are also recognised by all local authorises and can be grant funded depending on your circumstances.

Modular ramp installed at the back door

Check Irish Wheelchair Association  for recommendations and guidelines.

Guidelines noted on the Irish Wheelchair Association:

  • Gradients should be as shallow as possible. The preferred gradient should be 1:20 with the length of individual sections no more than 10m with a maximum rise of 500mm. Intermediate landings should be provided after each 10m slope.
  • Flights and landings should have a clear unobstructed minimum width of 1500mm, 1800mm width where a ramp is in frequent use.
  • Provide non-slip surface with 1:50 cross-fall to ensure drainage and 150mm high edge protection.
  • Provide a continuous handrail on both sides at a height between 900 -1000mm, extending 300mm beyond the ramp and terminating in a closed end.

Call today for a free quotation: 057 8643722

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