January 26, 2024

Access Ramp

Access Ramp

An access ramp plays a crucial role. Providing people with mobility issues the freedom to move around their home or garden. At Ramps Plus we have something for everyone needs.

Access ramp with sloped surfaces designed to ease the movement of individuals using mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, or crutches. While they were a solution for individuals with physical disabilities, access ramps benefit a diverse range of people, including parents with strollers, delivery personnel with carts, and individuals with temporary injuries.

Access ramps ensure spaces are welcoming and functional for all. Incorporating ramps into architectural plans demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and a recognition of the diverse needs of the community.

Governments and regulatory bodies around the world have recognised the importance of accessibility and have implemented building codes and regulations that mandate the inclusion of access ramps in certain structures. Compliance with these standards is not only a legal need but also a step towards creating a fair society.

Access ramps empower individuals with mobility challenges by providing them the ability to move freely. This not only enhances their quality of life but also promotes a sense of dignity and self-esteem. By eliminating barriers, access ramps contribute to a fairer society where everyone can take part in community life.

Access ramps extend beyond physical accessibility. They symbolise a commitment to social inclusion and send a powerful message about a society that values diversity. In a world striving for equality, access ramps serve as tangible evidence of progress towards creating an environment where every individual, regardless of their abilities, can thrive.

There are various types of access ramps. We specialise in the below:

  1. Modular Ramps: Integrated into the structure of a building, permanent with the ability for removable when no longer needed. The modular ramps sit on the ground and no need for digging or destroying your garden.
  2. Threshold / Access Ramps: These ramps provide smooth transitions over raised thresholds or uneven surfaces, ensuring a seamless passage.
  3. Folding / Portable Ramps: Space-saving and versatile, folding ramps open when needed and folded away when not in use. Ideal for temporary or occasional use, portable, and adjusted as needed.
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